Monday, July 25, 2011

First Week

The first week in India has been great. The weather is hot, but bearable, mostly humid rather than dry heat. After roughly 40 hours in transit, I arrived in Mumbai last Tuesday at around 1am, and after 5 hours or so in a shared taxi with 4 other locals we arrived in Pune. It was dark all the way here, although from the odd glimpse of light from the moon through the haze of pollution it looks like the area around Pune is beautiful, full of lush hills to explore.

India so far has been both what I expected and also completely different in some aspects. People have been extremely friendly for the most part, and although the staring is quite intense in most parts of the city, I feel as though it is different than other countries I have travelled too, more curious than anything else. I haven't had the opportunity yet to take many pictures, or do anything all that exciting in terms of visiting. The first week has been devoted to finding a place to live, dealing with the various forms and bureaucratic procedures that must be done in the first few weeks, and registering with the University.

A few first impressions of the country are that the roads are crazy, and crossing the road is always a near death experience.  Many people have gone out of their way to help (although we are realizing that directions and distances are not to be taken too seriously) The university has very few foreign students, and the city in general, except for one area does not see many tourists. Which I'm actually quite happy about in a way, it has a much different feel to it, but we still get people harassing us each day which is to be expected of course.

Julie and I have found a flat to stay at thanks to a friend from school, who stayed here last year. The place is great, quiet street, two bathrooms (1 Indian style toilet) and we will be able to boil water which makes my hippie side happy for saving the mountain of plastic that would be consumed otherwise.

The food has been great, although so far not all that much better than can be found in Canada. The difference however, is the price, as a huge serving of chapati and a Indian veg dish can be had for less than $1.50. I had my first street food today, Masala Dosa and Uttapa. Basically flour fried on a hot plate and filled with delicious potatoes, onion, tomato and spices. They are everywhere here, and just around the corner from our flat which is amazing. I haven't had a chance to try the Panipuri, but that will be done by the end of the week I am sure!

I want to touch on the Indian head bobble, but I think this deserves a separate post later on when I can properly contextualize how great it is!

Hope all is well back in Canada. I have a few pictures from my walk in Koregaon Park my first few days here, as well as the flat and one of the University. None really of the major parts of the city, but these will be coming. I'm still figuring out how to take a picture in the street and not get hit by a car or bike or cow!

Koregaon Park

My room!

View from the kitchen

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